长期从事自旋芯片技术的基础与应用研究,涵盖自旋芯片材料和器件技术、自旋热电材料与器件、多功能自旋传感器以及微机电系统开发。掌握了自旋流电路设计和开发的关键技术,精通新型自旋热电材料与器件开发技术、原子层薄膜生长与刻蚀技术,拥有多项自旋存算芯片领域原创性理论及技术成果,具备全面应对未来自旋集成芯片开发和设计中热、电、力多物理耦合技术挑战的能力。目前共发表高水平论文30多篇其中一作/通讯作者论文20多篇,包括Advanced Materials, NPG Asia Materials,Nano Letters, Phys. Rev. Letters/B/Mater./Applied,Appl. Phys. Lett. 2D Mater. IEEE等。国际会议口头报告20余次,专利4项。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项、省部级项目2项,参与(项目骨干)国家重点研发计划(纳米逻辑运算器件方向)1项、在新型自旋电子器件和材料设计领域的日本国家战略创造研究CREST项目2项。
(1)基于自旋流输运理论世界上首次提出并验证了异号自旋塞贝克系数材料体系(属于高性能自旋热电芯片材料) [NPG Asia Materials,6,e127(2014)]。最近发现二维室温磁性材料Fe3GaTe2属于具有反号自旋依赖塞贝克系数材料体系,基于自旋流变换理论明确该材料在室温下展现出极高的热自旋效率[Adv.Mater.,2309776,(2023)]。
2024 - 至今 副教授 suncity太阳新城 suncitygroup太阳新城
2019 - 2024 研究员 日本九州大学 理学院
2019 - 2022 副教授 西安交通大学 材料科学与工程学院
2016 - 2019 讲师 西安交通大学 材料科学与工程学院
2015 - 2016 助教 日本九州大学 量子纳米自旋物性研究中心
2011 - 2015 博士 日本九州大学 电气电子专业
1. 关于自旋存算一体芯片技术相关的基础和应用研究
2. 基于自旋热电转换技术相关的基础和应用研究
3. 基于自旋传感器材料和器件相关的基础和应用研究
1. Xuhui Su, Dawei Wang, Shaojie Hu*, Normal/inverse Doppler effect of backward volume magnetostatic spin waves, arXiv:2409.11674 (2024).
2. Tianhao Zhong, Xuhui Su, Shaojie Hu*, Control of spin wave Doppler shift by movable magnetic dipole field, Under Review 2024.
Before Shenzhen Technology University
3. Yanxing Zhang, Xinjian Ouyang, Dangqi Fang, Shaojie Hu, Laijun Liu, and Dawei Wang*,Machine-learning modeling of elemental ferroelectric bismuth monolayer, Physical Review Letters Accepted 25 Oct. (2024).
4. R Iimori, Shaojie Hu, A Mitsuda, T Kimura, Substantial enhancement of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in van der Waals ferromagnetic Fe3GaTe2 film due to pressure application, Communications Materials 5 (1), 235, (2024).
5. Shaojie Hu*, Kang Wang, Tai Min, Takashi Kimura, Voltage-controlled significant spin wave Doppler shift in FM/FE heterojunction, Physical Review Applied 22 (1), 014085 (2024).
6. Shaojie Hu*, Xiaomin Cui, Zengji Yue, Pangpang Wang, Kohei Ohnishi, Shu-Qi Wu, Sheng-Qun Su, Osamu Sato, Sunao Yamada, Takashi Kimura*, Exchange Bias Induced by the Spin-Glass-Like State in a Te-Rich FeGeTe van der Waals Ferromagnet, Nano Letters 24 (23), 6924–6930 (2024) .
7. Fupeng Gao, Shaojie Hu*, Dawei Wang, Takashi Kimura*, Optimization of thermo-spin voltage in vertical nanostructures by geometrical means Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 57 (30), 305001 (2024) .
8. Xiaomin Cui, Shaojie Hu, Yohei Hidaka, Satoshi Yakata, and Takashi Kimura, Magnetic vortex polarity reversal induced gyrotropic motion spectrum splitting in a ferromagnetic disk, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 57 395002 (2024).
9. Kaili Li, Lei Wang, Yu Wang, Yuanjun Guo, Shuping Lv, Yuewei He, Weiwei Lin, Tai Min, Shaojie Hu, Sen Yang, Dezhen Xue, Aqun Zheng, Shuming Yang, Xiangdong Ding, Electric Field Switching of Magnon Spin Current in a Compensated Ferrimagnet, Adv. Mater., 36, 2312137, (2024).
10. Shuhan Liu, Shaojie Hu*, Xiaomin Cui, Takashi Kimura*, Efficient thermo-spin conversion in van der Waals ferromagnet FeGaTe, Adv. Mater., 2309776, (2023).
11. Shaojie Hu, Shiya Yamada, Po-Chun Chang, Wen-Chin Lin, Kohei Hamaya, Takashi Kimura*, Efficient electrical manipulation of magnetization process in epitaxially controlled Co2FeSi/BaTiO3 multiferroic interface, Phys. Rev. Appl. 20, 034029 (2023).
12. P. C. Chang, S. Y. Liu, H. L. Lin, Shaojie Hu, T. Kimura, F. Y. Lo, and W. C. Lin, Field and temperature-controlled positive and negative exchange biases in CoO/YIG bilayers on GGG(111) J. Alloys Compd. 968, 172081 (2023).
13. Shaojie Hu*, Xiaomin Cui, Zengji Yue, Pangpang Wang, Lei Guo, Kohei Ohnishi, Xiaolin Wang, Takashi Kimura*, The positive exchange bias property with hopping switching behavior in Van der Waals magnet FeGeTe,2D Mater. 9, 015037 (2022).
14. Kang Wang,Shaojie Hu*, Fupeng Gao, Miaoxin Wang, Dawei Wang, Dual function spin-wave logic gates based on electric field control magnetic anisotropy boundary, Appl. Phys. Lett. 120, 142405 (2022).
15. Shuhan Liu, Shaojie Hu*, Important Heat Contribution by Tunneling Spin Scattering in Magnetic Tunnel Junction, IEEE Trans. Magn. 58, 4,1 (2022).
16. Yuanlu Tsai, Zhiteng Li, Shaojie Hu*, Recent Progress of Atomic Layer Technology in Spintronics: Mechanism, Materials and Prospects, Nanomaterials 12, 661 (2022).
17. Shaojie Hu, Xiaomin Cui, Kang Wang, Yakata Saitoshi, Kimura, “Significant Modulation of Vortex Resonance Spectra in a Square-Shape Ferromagnetic Dot” Nanomaterials 12, 2295, (2022).
18. Xiaomin Cui, Shaojie Hu*, and Takashi Kimura, Enhanced spin accumulation in nano-pillar-based lateral spin valve using spin reservoir effect, J. Phys. D. Appl. Phys. 55, 165004 (2022).
19. Shaojie Hu, Jingyan Zhao, Lei Wang, Xiaomin Cui, Kohei Ohnishi, Taisei Ariki, Tai Min, Ke Xia*, Takashi Kimura*, Substantial enhancement of thermal spin polarization in Py/Cu interface, Phys. Rev. Mater. 2, 104403 (2018).
20. Shaojie Hu*, Xiaomin Cui, Tatsuya Nomura, Tai Min and Takashi Kimura, Non-reciprocity of electrically excited thermal spin signals in CoFeAl-Cu-Py LSVs,Phys. Rev. B: Rapid Communications 95,100403(2017).
21. Shaojie Hu, Tatsuya Nomura, Ginga Uematsu, Najarjuna Asam, Takashi Kimura*, First- and second-harmonic detection of spin accumulation in a multiterminal lateral spin valve under high-bias ac current, Phys. Rev. B 94, 14416 (2016).
22. Shaojie Hu, Hiroyoshi Itoh, Takashi Kimura*, Efficient thermal spin injection using CoFeAl nanowire, NPG Asia Materials, 6, e127 (2014).
23. Shaojie Hu, Takashi Kimura, Significant modulation of electrical spin accumulation by efficient thermal spin injection, Phys. Rev. B, 90, 134412 (2014).
24. Shaojie Hu and Takashi. Kimura*, Anomalous Nernst-Ettingshausen effect in nonlocal spin valve measurement under high-bias current injection. Phys. Rev. B 87, 014424 (2013).
25. Shaojie Hu, K. Kiseki, S. Yakata and T. Kimura, Ferromagnetic resonance in exchange-coupled NiFe/FeMn films and its control, IEEE Trans. on Magn. 48 , 2889 - 2891 (2012).
26. Md Kamruzzaman, Shaojie Hu, Kohei Ohnishi, Takashi Kimura, Experimental evaluation of three-dimensional heat flow using magnetothermo electric effects in a ferromagnetic nanowire, Phys. Status Solidi – Rapid Res. Lett. 2100608, 2100608 (2022).
27. Md Kamruzzaman, Shaojie Hu, Kohei Ohnishi, Takashi Kimura, Temperature profile of nanospintronic device analyzed by spin-dependent Seebeck effect, Appl. Phys. Express 14, (2021).
28. Zengji Yue, Zhiqian Hou, Frank Yun, Peng Liu, Guangsai Yang, Abdulhakim Bake, Weiyao Zhao, David Cortie, Chaozhu Shu, Shaojie Hu, Jipeng Cheng, Xiaolin Wang, Observation of itinerant ferromagnetism and coupled magnetoresistance in a spinel CuCo2S4, J. Mater. Chem. C,9.8874(2021).
29. Xiaomin Cui, Shaojie Hu, M. Hidegara, S. Yakata, and Takishi Kimura, Sensitive detection of vortex-core resonance using amplitude-modulated magnetic field. Sci. Rep. 5, 17922 (2015).
30. Alexander Pfeiffer, Shaojie Hu, Robert M. Reeve, Alexander Kronenberg, Martin Jourdan, Takashi Kimura, Mathias Klaui, Spin currents injected electrically and thermally from highly spin polarized Co2MnSi, Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 082401 (2015).
31. Xiaomin Cui, Shaojie Hu, Takashi Kimura, Detection of a vortex nucleation position in a circular ferromagnet using asymmetrically configured electrodes. Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 082403 (2014).
32. Saidur Bakaul, Shaojie Hu, Takashi Kimura, Thermal gradient driven enhancement of pure spin current at room temperature in nonlocal spin transport devices. Phys. Rev. B 88, 184407 (2013).
33. Congpu Mu, Shaojie Hu, Janbo Wang, Takashi Kimura, Thermo-electric effect in a nano-sized crossed Permalloy/Cu junction under high bias current, Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 132408 (2013).
34. Saidur Bakaul, Shaojie.Hu and Takashi Kimura, Large pure spin current generation in metallic nanostructures, Appl Phys A, 339, 7495 (2012).
1. 一种大面积范德华异质结制备方法 (申请中),胡少杰,王苗欣,苏旭辉,高福朋,王康。202211634556.7, 2022-12-19
2. 一种基于自旋塞贝克效应的热电转化器件结构(授权)胡少杰,田祎龙,闵泰ZL201710548329.5, 2019-05-21
3. 一种STT-MRAM存储单元(授权),王真,何岳巍,胡少杰,闵泰 ZL201611201099.7, 2020-11-10
4. 日本专利: 特開2016-066796 “スピントロニクス素子、ワイヤレス給電装置、磁気センサー、磁気メモリ、高周波フィルタおよびスピン発振器” (木村 崇, 胡 少杰, 山野井 一人)九州大学 2016-04-28. [Japanese Patent: Application NO. 2016-066796 “Spintronic devices, Wireless power supply device, Magnetic sensor, magnetic memory, High frequency filter and spin oscillator” (Takashi Kimura, Shaojie Hu, Kazuto Yamanoi) Kyushu University 2016-04-28
1) 基于热自旋变换的热成像探测器技术研发,横向基金(HXDSH20220973) 350万, 2022 - 2027
2) 超低功耗自旋转矩磁随机存储器开发中热流与电流耦合机制研究,陕西省自然科学基金面上(2021JM-022)4万, 2021 - 2022
3) 静磁场定位的基础理论和算法实现, 横向基金, 10万,2020 - 2021
4) 石墨烯-拓扑绝缘体范德华异质结中自旋转换研究,中央高校基金,15万,2019-2022
5) CoFe基磁性金属薄膜中热自旋流的高效生成及机理研究,国家自然基金青年基金(NO.51601139) 20万 2017 - 2019
6) 西安交通大学“新教师科研支持计划” 10万, 中央高校基金 2016.1-2018.12
7) Development of wireless energy harvesting device using thermal spin injection. P&P,九州大学,140万 日元, 2015 - 2016
1) 国家重点研发计划纳米专项“基于磁性纳米异质结构的非易失性和可编程自旋逻辑研究 ”(2017YFA0206200) 2016-2022 国家科技部 142.83/2920万 (项目骨干,贡献第一标注论文 7/14)
2) 界面多铁材料制备,日本科学技术振兴机构JST CREST重大项目,1.5-4.98亿日元,2018-2023年
3) 国家自然科学基金委面上项目“超短磁脉冲对软磁纳米线畴壁运动调控的研究”(51771169) 2018-08-16 60万
4) 国家自然科学基金委面上项目“TMDs二维原子晶体的2H-1T相变及界面特性增强机制研究” (51771144) 2017-08-16 国家自然基金面上项目 60万
5) 利用巨大纯自旋流开发超高性能多端子自旋转矩振荡器,日本学术振兴会JSPS 挑战萌芽研究,约900万RMB,2013-2016
6) 利用自旋流三维注入技术开发超高速自旋器件,日本科学技术振兴机构JST CREST重大项目,1.75-5.8亿日元,2011-2015